
Biblical Gatherers – Jesus

Jesus is a primary example of a New Testament gatherer. He gathers to His own mission.

In John 1:35-51 we see two examples of Jesus gathering people to His mission:

1)  In John 1:35-42, John the Baptists stands with Andrew and one other disciple (I believe John). Jesus walks by and John the Baptist declares Jesus as the Messiah. Andrew and John follow Jesus, spend time with Him and realize who He is – John the Baptist was right.

Andrew then goes and finds his brother Peter and brings him to meet Jesus. Thus, Andrew gatherers Peter to Jesus’ mission. Peter meets Jesus and they have a fairly transformational conversation. Gathering has occurred: Jesus meets Andrew and John, Andrew gathers Peter.

2) The very next day (John 1:43-51), Jesus sees Philip and says, “Follow Me.” He does. Philip then gathers Nathanael to Jesus.

Each of these examples ends with the third person who is gathered – Jesus gatherers someone; that person gatherers someone else.

Each example ends with the third person coming. Hebrew thinking tells us that when it goes to this extent, it continues – to this day!

Who else in Scripture do you see as a gatherer?

Who do you know today that is a gatherer?

Questions about gathering? Let’s talk.