Evangelists and Gatherers

How do gatherers compare to evangelists? Is one better than the other for church planting or discipleship? An evangelist is a gifted person Jesus has given to the church (Ephesians 4:11-16). Evangelists are men and women who incessantly share the gospel. They cannot help it; they must tell people about Jesus. A gatherer is a Read More

Identify a Gatherer

How do I identify a gatherer? Since the GSE process depends upon finding a gatherer, it is a key question. I suggest this process: 1. Know what the Bible says about gatherers. Know the biblical examples of gathering and the 14 Greek words that express ‘gather to mission’ across the New Testament – 119 occurrences, Read More

Gathering to Mission

Gatherers have been around for 2,000 years or more. They have been starting churches for 2,000 years. How pervasive is the idea of gathering to Jesus’ mission? There are twenty Greek words that translate the semantic concept in the New Testament of “gathering to mission” (Gathering to Mission, p. 42 to begin). These twenty words Read More

Biblical Gatherers – The Leper

In Mark 1:40-45, Jesus heals a leper. Then Jesus tells the leper not to tell anyone about this, but… “But he went out and began to proclaim it freely and to spread the news around, to such an extent that Jesus could no longer publicly enter a city, but stayed out in unpopulated areas; and Read More

Biblical Gatherers – Jesus

Jesus is a primary example of a New Testament gatherer. He gathers to His own mission. In John 1:35-51 we see two examples of Jesus gathering people to His mission: 1)  In John 1:35-42, John the Baptists stands with Andrew and one other disciple (I believe John). Jesus walks by and John the Baptist declares Read More

Keys to Small Beginnings

I love small beginnings; I embrace small beginnings because Jesus Christ must act to get things done and move things ahead. As He does this, there is no confusion as to where the credit and glory go. Small beginnings are important 1) Zechariah 4:8-10 – Also the word of the Lord came to me, saying, Read More